Flippening - For Cryptocurrency Investors (bitcoin, Ethereum, And Cryptoasset Investing)

[Case Study] Tokenizing a Fund: The 5-Step Security Tokenization Process w/ Rob Nance from CityBlock Capital - Part 1 (Ep. 0038), Sponsored by Currency.com



This case study is an addendum to our security tokenization audio documentary, entitled "Tokenize The World," which has +100k downloads. If you haven't heard it yet, check it out at securitytokendocumentary.com.About this episode:In this case study, our guest Rob Nance from CityBlock capital is brutally honest about the arduous process of issuing his fund's NYCQ security token.(Note: if he’d known from the outset how difficult the journey would have been, he might never have started... especially given the bear market, immaturity of legal precedent, etc.).Here’s some real talk: I regularly hear people who have never actually issued a security token advising companies to tokenize. In fact, on at least 10 occasions, people have suggested that Nomics -- the company that runs and runs this podcast -- tokenize our equity (as if it were a simple process). Nothing could be further from the truth.As far as I know, this is the first published end-to-end case study and deep dive on what it actually takes