Speaking Of Language

S3E4 – Mona Eikel-Pohen – Language Learning and Disabilities



Mona Eikel-Pohen joins our podcast to talk about language learning and disabilities and some strategies and considerations for creating inclusive classrooms. Her article titled “Assessing Disability-Inclusive Language Teaching Methods with Multimodality and Universal Design Principles” will appear in the spring issue (52.1) of the AATG journal Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German. A brief description of the seven principles of Universal Design Mona mentions on the episode can be found at deploy.lrc.cornell.edu/sol/7principles.pdf. A full text transcription of this episode can be found at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mBaFsh1ereF0wy1kwQ3spDii6tjzBdR4BShydgVipmw/edit?usp=sharing.