Bringing The Sexy With ~ Carol Reinlie

Sexy Whisper Magic with Guest Jeneth Blackert



Bringing the Sexy! with Carol Reinlie Radio Show Is now the time for a whole new way to create? There is a certain magic when following the whispers of energy we get on a daily basis. We all have the capability of tapping into the universal knowing and expansion of what is next versus the heavy, linear, step-by-step way we have been taught. Join Carol Reinlie and Jeneth Blackert as they chat about Whisper Mapping, an expansive and easeful way to create your life and business in a whole different way. Jeneth Blackert is a celebrated business and career coach and the founder of Real Raw YOU. She works with clients who desire to BE and live from their true greatness. She has been a life & business coach/facilitator for 12+ years. In that time Jeneth has facilitated thousands of people on body and life changes. She also certifies Life Design Coaches and Change Agents. Jeneth uses an organic system called Whisper Mapping to create her multi-six figure business. Carol Reinlie is a business intuitive, marketing cons