Bringing The Sexy With ~ Carol Reinlie

The Birth Of New Beginnings ~ Guest Christina Divine



Bringing the Sexy! with Carol Reinlie Radio Show When we are living in the question and are willing to have what shows up come in any way, there is a type of knowing we can dive into. This knowing is the truth that the universe always has our back. When we don’t surrender to this knowing, the birth of new beginnings can create a bit of chaos to say the least. Join Carol and Christina as they dive into the topic of the birth of new beginnings. Christina Divine is a life transformational coach, actress, musician and artist who is focused on being truthful to who you really are. Carol Reinlie is a business intuitive, marketing consultant, coach, best selling author and speaker who is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and individuals expand their lives and businesses. She works one-on-one and via her group coaching programs to expand all possibilities. Carol loves to add some laughs and insight into everyone’s day. She daily plays with the life expansive tools of Access Consciousness. Christina Divine at Acc