Sales Iq Podcast

Prospecting: How good is YOUR narrative?



“If you deliver the right message, what will they think as alerts ding away on their cell phone…. Go beyond social selling and think digital selling. Harness all the tools available combined with your own value narrative and Wile. E Coyote determination and cunning.” - Tony Hughes, Combo Prospecting, page 53-54 Prospecting Prospecting is a vital part of the sales process as it is essentially getting your foot in the door, but what happens when you are in that first meeting with a potential client? The narrative you present is everything. Joining us this week is the award winning, international key note speaker Tony Hughes, talking with us about his experience in both prospecting and creating the world’s leading sales blog on LinkedIn. With over 35 years in business and sales Tony has truly become a master of his craft and with the knowledge he shares, we can take another step on our journey to becoming true sales professionals. Other places to find out more about Tony: ht