Bye, Go Home, No One Loves You

Mommie blogger dearest & The Vet that got away



This week we travel over the river and through the woods to no one's house we know, because our first story takes us to Grand Island, NY. We meet 26 year old Brianna Valenti, a self proclaimed parenting guru and blogger, that when entrusted with someone else's child, she completely forgets the one thing that you should NEVER do to a baby. Is this millennial mommy auditioning for the new Bond film, because she apparently likes things shaken, not stirred.  The subject of our second story won't make any honorable mentions list for Father of the year. Dr Daniel Mckay of Beecher, Illinois is a veterinarian by day and a baby killer by...well, day as well. Dr Mckay was present in the delivery room when his wife gave birth to a special needs baby. When he had the opportunity to hold his newborn son, he chose to violently beat his baby's skull against the cold hospital floor multiple times, spraying blood and brain matter everywhere. The doctor eluded justice and is still a practicing veterinarian.