Careers Over Coffee

Pay Off Debt: Mistakes & Tips from Paying Off $92,000 in Credit Card, Auto Loan, and Student Loan Debt - COC15



Figuring out how to pay off debt in a way that works for you is a rough experience. At one point, my total credit card debt, auto loan debt, and student loan debt added up $92,000. Personal financial situations play a direct role in the decisions we make in out career. The more financially strapped we are with trying to pay off debt, the less likely we are to make a transition into a new job at a company, make a career change, or start that side business and risk underperforming at our day job. Here are my debt pay off mistakes and tips that lead me to finally pay off all my debt. The good, the bad, and the dumb. Show Notes: Free Budget Template:  Career Coffee Club:  Skoolie Livin: