Speaking Of Crypto

042. Blockchain Visionaries and The Journey with Mann Matharu



The potential that Satoshi Nakamoto introduced to the world, through the Bitcoin Whitepaper https://nakamotoinstitute.org/bitcoin/  has motivated a community of people who are working to make the world a better place, who are looking at a broader perspective and who see the world for all of its potential. “I think it's going to take some great visionaries. It will require governments to create this new consensus. The irony of that is that we already agreed to some consensus on the blockchain in order to prove proof of work, proof of stake or whatever, but government leaders, big organizations, who are running the world as we know it will need to generically agree on some consensus, if we are going to work towards this.” Mann Matharu was inspired, after reading the Whitepaper, by the core principles of Bitcoin and blockchain technology -- decentralization, trustlessness and transacting peer to peer. He saw it as a technology in line with human nature. Creating a system of transparency and immutability breeds a