Speaking Of Crypto

047. Building EOS, Discipline and Resilience with David Moss



David Moss, recently worked as the Senior Vice President of Tech Operations at Block.one. He has experience as a CEO and entrepreneur as well at CTO for several technology companies and currently his is Founder of StrongBlock, and shares in this podcast the basic idea around what he and his team are creating now. In a talk he gave at a conference last year David had shared a story of telling Dan Larimer that he didn’t like the White Paper for EOS. Dan Larimer is the creator of some of the biggest projects in crypto, including BitShares, Steemit and EOS. And at the time, David wasn’t working with him, but he wanted to get across his ideas on how it could be improved. But I don’t know that just anyone could approach someone with that kind of a successful track record to just come right out and say, somethings wrong. David explained that what it takes is respect and the ability to be bold. And he goes on to share how much respect David has for him by saying “If I could have been offered an opportunity to work wi