Wemartians Podcast

47 – Recovering Opportunity (feat. Mike Seibert)



The Opportunity Rover hasn't been heard from since June 10th, and things are starting to look dire. NASA recently released a new plan to recover the intrepid Mars explorer but the plan hasn't convinced everyone of its merit just yet. Engineer and former rover driver Mike Seibert returns to the show to talk about the plan, how it compares with Spirit's recovery, and why some may not be as excited about it as others. We talk NASA's Opportunity Recovery Plan NASA's Press Release on the new Opportunity Rover Plan Is NASA's Opportunity Mars Rover Doomed? Planetary Society's August Deep Dive Deep Space Network's DSN Now Previous Coverage of Opportunity Episode 29: A Teenage Rover (feat. Mike Seibert) Episode 44: Ashes to Ashes, Clay to Dust (feat. Mark Lemmon) Follow Mike Seibert Twitter (@mikeseibert) Follow Jake & WeMartians Website (www.wemartians.com) Patreon (www.patreon.com/wemartians) WeMartians Shop (shop.wemartians.com) Twitter (@we_martians) Jake’s Twitter (@JakeOnOrbit) T