Wemartians Podcast

49 – Moon to Mars (feat. Laura Forczyk)



NASA continues to advance it's Moon-first strategy, and commercial companies are starting to hop on board. Along with international interest, it all forms the backbone of NASA's Moon to Mars strategy. Space consultant and founder of Astralytical Laura Forczyk returns to the show to talk with Jake about what this all means for Mars. We talk Moon and Mars Blue Origin signs agreement with OHB and MT dearMoon Airbus/Blue Origin backed Moon Race NASA's Moon to Mars strategy Previous Coverage of Mars Strategy Episode 34 - Moon vs Mars (feat. Laura Forczyk) Episode 46 - Keeping Mars Alive (feat. Rick Davis) Follow Laura Laura's Twitter Account Astralytical's website Follow Jake & WeMartians Website (www.wemartians.com) Patreon (www.patreon.com/wemartians) The WeMartians Travel Grant WeMartians Shop (shop.wemartians.com) Twitter (@we_martians) Jake’s Twitter (@JakeOnOrbit) The Off-Nominal Podcast Episode 13 with Elizabeth Howell Our Sponsor WeMartians is sponsored by MOV