Cinematic Sound Radio

Anime Spectacular with Randy Andrews | Inaugural Episode



On episode one of the ANIME SPECTACULAR on CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO, Randy Andrews begins the show with selections from PROJECT A-KO by Joey Carbone and Ritchie Zito. The music continues with selections from a Classic Anime Horror, LILY C.A.T. by Akira Inoue. Randy then shows us the fantasy world of RECORD OF LODOSS WAR by Mitsuo Hagita. Next, you’ll hear music from VENUS WARS by Joe Hisaishi. Then we’ll hear highlights from the classic fighting game and motion picture FATAL FURY: THE MOTION PICTURE by Toshihiko Sahashi. Next, we’ll hear music from the original anime called GUNNM, otherwise known as BATTLE ANGEL ALITA. The motion picture doesn’t come out until next year but we can enjoy music from the classic anime. Then we’ll hear music from the anime called LENSMAN. To close out the show will be music from the critically acclaimed anime by anime master OSAMU TEZUKA with the music composed by Toshiyuki Honda. The film music of METROPOLIS, brilliant in animation style and beautiful in music to end out the show.