Cinematic Sound Radio

International Podcast Day Film Music Roundtable Discussion



Welcome one and all to this very special International Podcast Day broadcast here on CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO. I’m Erik Woods the host and producer of CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO and today’s program is a film music roundtable discussion. On September 22nd, Jason Drury the host of THE ARCHIVE on CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO paid us a visit all the way from Ramsgate in the UK. He spent a week here in the Kitchener Waterloo area, visited the sites and traveled to Toronto for a day to check out the CN Tower and a Toronto Blue Jays games. Before Jason's visit, Robert Daniels of VISIONS IN SOUND and myself thought that with Jason here in town we should do a roundtable film music discussion. Just basically chat about film music and see if anything good comes out of it. We also invited composer David Coscina to participate. On Sunday, September 23rd, at 8 pm Robert, David, Jason and I crammed ourselves in one of the production studios at CKWR in Waterloo. We sat there and chatted for 2 hours and discussed a wide variety of topic