Cannabis Radio News

Nicholas Delpopolo Will Compete in 2016 Rio Summer Olympic Games



The 2016 Rio Summer Olympic games begin this week and US athlete Nicholas Delpopolo who was disqualified from the 2012 London Summer Olympics for marijuana use will finally get to compete. In Ohio, Scott’s Miracle-Gro, the company famous for its lawn and garden products, has made another big investment in the legal marijuana industry by paying $136 million to purchase Gavita, a Dutch grow-light company. Colombian farmers are beginning to plant their first legal cannabis crops since the government legalized medical use of marijuana. The New Jersey Supreme Court has upheld the right to privacy for a man whose aunt reported his closet marijuana grow to the police. Chief Wana Dubie’s dream of representing Missouri in the U.S. Senate has gone up in smoke. A woman has been caught in Mexico more than 25 years after she failed to appear in federal court in Texas to be sentenced on a drug charge.