Momma's Little Biz

Best Worst First with Martha Finney



This week Eddie interviews the Author of a great book that should be in the hands of every one interested in Network Marketing. It is powerful, impactful and can be easily read in 5 minute digestible doses that will help you make a difference in achieving your dreams. Best Worst First - 75 Network Marketing Experts on everything you need to know to build the business of your dreams Get your own signed and inscribed copy at a reduced price (with proceeds going to the Healing Hands foundation and help with the Nepal relief effort) by contacting her now! Email her at Let her know how many copies you want and what you would like written on them. SHIPPING WILL BE FREE! Enjoy! Email us at Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Wordpress and more! Please take a few minutes to rate and review our show on iTunes.