Journeythroughthegate's Podcast

Journey Through The Gate's EP.24 : Steve Asher Haunted Tales from Kentucky Prison & More!



Paranormal researcher and Author Steve Asher is a native of Kentucky, and a huge fan of Horror and the paranormal! Steve has worked previously in  law enforcement , and as a corrections officer! He joins us on this side of the gate to talk about some of the haunting things he witnessed at the prison along with other places he has visited around the world! He wrote Hauntings of The Kentucky State Penitentiary and Hauntings of the Western Lunitic Asylum about his experiences and from the first hand stories of others. Find Steve Asher on his Podcast House of Asher on YouTube and On Conflict Radio YouTube. His books are in most book stores and on Amazon, and at his website.                                                          Sysco has been interested in the paranormal and the Supernatural since her first run in with a ghost at a young age!   Join us on our group page, GATEKEEPERS!   GateKEEPERS HERE!   Send your stories to