Pinkerton Insights Podcast

Pinkerton Insights Podcast | Week of August 20, 2018



Hazard & Event Risks Human rights activists in Malaysia have called for authorities to review a court decision to punish two local women to caning and a fine of 3,300 Malaysian ringgits or 806 US dollars after they attempted to engage in homosexual activity. Technology & Information Risks Cyber-security firm, Kaspersky Lab, identified a malware known as Dark Tequila that has been affecting users in Mexico since 2013. Operational and Physical Risks As reported on August 15, police arrested a suspect on suspicion of terror offenses for ramming a car into cyclists and pedestrians outside the UK Houses of Parliament on August 14. Market & Economic Risks Cuba’s Communist Party has initiated public discussions on its proposed revision of the country’s constitution, referred to as the 1976 Magna Carta. On August 11, investors filed a lawsuit against Tesla founder Elon Musk over his online comment considering taking the company private. The comment is thought to have increased shares by 11% and the