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[INSPIRE 33] DEENA KASTOR - HOW TO ACHIEVE RECORD SUCCESS & HAPPINESS | Olympian & Marathon Champ | Spirituality | Self-Help



Learn how to achieve incredible success through mindfulness, focus, perseverance and joy! Discover how following your heart, and loving your family lead to world record performance! | Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Self-Help | Career | Business | Tony Robbins Today we have a very special treat. An interview recently recorded for our mindful running program with Deena Kastor, Olympic bronze medalist, masters world record holder in the marathon, and US womens record holder for the marathon. If you want to know what it takes to be a champion and to find success, both at your career, your family, and in all that you do, than do we have a show for you!  Deena Kastor Discusses Mindfulness, Focus, Balance – and Family, and how to succeed at it all! The following article was written, based on this podcast and interview!   At 5'4" and only 104 pounds, no one knew quite what to expect as 41-year-old Deena Kastor lined up for the 2014 Philadelphia Rock 'N' Roll Half-Marathon. An Olympic bronze m