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[INSPIRE 64] KEVIN DAVIS - HOW TO RELAX & LEAVE WORRIES BEHIND! Anxiety Coaches Podcast | Health | Spirituality | Self-Help



If you’ve ever felt a twisting in your gut, nervous, anxious, or a dreaded fear that just won’t go away, like there’s a piano just above you getting ready to fall, then you are NOT alone, and do we have the show for you! Today I’m interviewing Kevin Davis, Anxiety Coach and Co-Host of the top-rated Anxiety Coaches Podcast! We’ll talk about why we all face anxiety, what it means, and most importantly what we can do to leave it behind. Anxiety shouldn’t stop us from loving the lives we lead, or leading the lives we’d love. Plus we’ll also look at what to do when panic does come up, so we’re not immobilized or feeling sick to our stomach. Today we’ll cut those strings to the dangling piano, and work to free ourselves from the fear so we can truly Live Fearlessly. Topics Include: Kevin’s Near Fatal Car Accident What is PTSD? What is CPTSD – complex PTSD Multiple Events Childhood How Anxiety and PTSD Involves daily triggers and replaying of the events Leads to not trusting one’s body How Kevin pulled himse