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BONUS GUIDED RELAXING FOUR ELEMENTS MEDITATION (10 Min) Yuval Ron | Inspiration | Spirituality | Sufi | Healing | Self-Help



Hi Everyone, Michael Sandler here, your host on Inspire Nation. Today we have a very special meditation, called the Meditation of the 4 elements from the Sufi Indian Tradition and Sufi Hazrat Inayat Kahn. You can do daily, each morning, to help you tune your body to the earth and to the universe, and bring you peace, happiness, and a great day ahead. Today’s meditation is from our guest, the award-winning musician, composer, and writer Yuval Ron from To hear Yuval’s interview, or to hear more meditations from me or our guests, visit our inspire nation show or And if you like this meditation please do us a HUGE favor and rate and review our show on iTunes. It’s a great way to help our show, and to help others to find the show and enjoy these same great meditations you do. Thank you so much! I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way. Namaste. Relax and Reconnect With this Auspicious Ancient Sufi Meditation To Help You Connect with the Eart