Flippening - For Cryptocurrency Investors (bitcoin, Ethereum, And Cryptoasset Investing)

Crypto Hedge Funds & Multicoin Capital w/ Kyle Samani (Ep. 0002)



A deep dive into the topic of crypto hedge funds generally, and Multicoin Capital, specifically. On today’s show, we are joined by Kyle Samani. Kyle is the co-founder of Multicoin Capital, an Austin, Texas-based crypto hedge fund with $10 million under management and currently raising a $100 million fund. This is a very timely discussion, given that there are now over 124 registered crypto hedge funds, most of which were created this year.Note: This Episode of Flippening is Made Possible by Nomics' free Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin API.The Nomics API offers squeaky clean and normalized primary source cryptocurrency trade data offered through fast and modern endpoints. Instead of having to integrate with a bunch of exchange APIs of varying quality, you can get everything through one screaming fast firehose. If you’ve found that you or your developer has to spend too much time cleaning up and maintaining cryptoasset datasets, instead of identifying investing/trading opportunities . . . or if you’re tired of in