Community Impact

Friends Of Lafitte Corridor Group Promotes The Greenway As A Great Public Space



Friends of Lafitte Corridor seeks to revitalize the Lafitte Corridor by working to build, program and promote the Lafitte Greenway as a great public space. “I brought my family along with me: my husband, my granddaughters. We come to have a good time,” says Ariska Everette , who’s sitting on a folding chair in front of a giant movie screen on the Lafitte Greenway. There’s a tub of popcorn in her lap. She’s waiting for the film Annie to start, but she says just being outside, in this space, feels great. “Like we transformed the whole thing. It’s usually just kids running around, now it’s a whole movie theater — families sitting down. I love it.” Adults, obviously, are not the only ones excited to see the new Annie . Lance is 15 years old, and he stays right next to the greenway , in Lafitte . He says seeing a movie outside like this is different. “You get to be with everybody around your house,” says Lance. “You get to be around with your friends and other people you don’t know and you