Well And Weird With Holly Lowery - Improving Your Relationship With Food & Your Body Via Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity

49. On demoralizing and destigmatizing health care, and mundane self care with Cathlin Walker



Cathlin Walker of Walker Whole Health is joining us on the pod this week, sharing her deeeeeep wisdom around all things self care, body acceptance, demoralizing 'health', working mindfulness into the mundane parts of our lives and so much more juicy stuff around health, food and bodies.  You can connect with Cathlin and find other resources mentioned below: Curious about working with me? Learn more about 1-on-1, group coaching and my e-course here Follow me on Instagram for more anti-dieting, intuitive eating behind-the-scenes Sign up for the July 9th webinar where I'll be sharing my 5 secrets for self care that sticks Get connected with Cathlin and follow her work Hang with Cathlin on Instagram Listen to the last episode with Amy Kuretsky Pledge to be a warrior with Circles of Change