Wemartians Podcast

44 – Ashes to Ashes, Clay to Dust (feat. Mark Lemmon)



There's a serious Global Dust Storm happening right now on Mars. Several regional storms have kicked up a tremendous amount of dust into the skies, blocking out the sun and jeopardizing the Opportunity rover's safety. But despite the threat, this is a great chance to do some science on Mars weather. Jake is joined by Space Science Institute's Mark Lemmon to discuss these storms formation and what we're learning from them. We Discuss Mars Dust Storms and the NASA rover Curiosity and Opportunity Most recent JPL news release on the Global Dust Storm Curiosity, starting at the Sun through the dust A look out across Gale Crater through the Storm The last photo taken by Opportunity on June 10th Follow Mark The Space Science Institute Follow Jake & WeMartians Website (www.wemartians.com) Patreon (www.patreon.com/wemartians) WeMartians Shop (shop.wemartians.com) Twitter (@we_martians) Facebook (@wemartians) Instagram (@wemartians) Jake’s Twitter (@JakeOnOrbit) The Off-Nominal Podcast W