Our Brains Unsupervised

028 Totally Sane



In this episode: We attempt to answer the question: If you ended up in an insane asylum, how would you convince them you were actually sane?, discuss I.H.O.B., online dating, flash games of old, the rise of AI, Kung Fu movies, moments we realized we were in way over our heads, and what laws we would instate in the cities we found.   Follow us on our social media pages! Twitter @OBUnonsense reddit r/OurBrainsUnsupervised Facebook Website We would like to extend a special thank you to Melissa Spatzierath for doing artwork for us! If you would like to check out more of her stuff you can find her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/melissa.spatzierath or on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sgypo/ And since you're already online, why not take a moment to subscribe and rate our podcast? We would really appreciate it! Subscribe on iTunes Rate us on iTunes Subscribe on Android