Our Brains Unsupervised

027 We Promised



Way back in episode 001 we discussed how the gravity from Jupiter makes things heavier in the UK than they are in the United States and we promised a 2 hour special featuring us calculating the gravitational differences and in honor of the 6 month mark for our podcast here it is! Kind of... OK it's only one hour long but we were super efficient in our calculations. How Kyle figured the world was a cube troubles me. Follow us on our social media pages! Twitter @OBUnonsense reddit r/OurBrainsUnsupervised Facebook Website We would like to extend a special thank you to Melissa Spatzierath for doing artwork for us! If you would like to check out more of her stuff you can find her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/melissa.spatzierath or on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sgypo/ And since you're already online, why not take a moment to subscribe and rate our podcast? We would really appreciate it! Subscribe on iTunes Rate us on iTunes Subscribe on Android