The Animal Experience

Episode 35: Do Animals Have Rivalries?



Do Animals have Rivalries? Cat people vs. Dog people. It's a rivalry that's been going on probably since the first cats and dogs were domesticated. But how do the animals feel about it? Do they feel that one is better than the other? Do they have a sense of rivalry and competition? what about the other rivalries; how about Horse people and Cattle people or Rats vs. Cats? What do the Animals have to share about it and can we learn anything from them on the subject? This episode puts the age old statement to the test "Do Dogs Drool & Cats Rule?" The Animal Experience is a weekly show where Coryelle, professional Communicator shares the uplifting, life changing and sometimes mind blowing views from the animals she's communicated in her career. It's time the animal's viewpoints & messages were heard and she's excited to be able to be one of their voices. The Animal Experience can be seen every Thursday here For a session or reading go to