Journeythroughthegate's Podcast

Journey Through the Gate's Ep. Four: Rob Gutro- Medium, Scientist, Ghost Hunter



Mr. Rob Gutro is an Author of many insightful books on the Paranormal, or 'Very' Normal as we are learning! The combination of being a Scientist, Medium, enthusiastic Animal lover, and an active member of The Inspired Ghost Tracking group of Maryland, gives Rob so many different vantage points into this wonderful topic! Tonight we speak about messages and Signs from both Pet Spirits and loved ones who have crossed the 'Veil'. He tells us the differences between Ghosts & Spirits and interesting insights on the energy they use! Rob tells us about his interesting trip to England and his many encounters with its ghosts!  To include the many ghosts of Hampton Court, the rich history of Royal Palaces, and 'running into',a queen, a prince and noblemen throughout his trip! His many books are available on Amazon in paperback and E book and include: Pets in the Afterlife both 1 &2, Lessons Learned From Talking with the Dead, Ghosts and Spirits, and the latest, Ghosts of England:On a Medium's Vacation!  If you a