Dartmoor Dispatch Teaching & Learning Podcast

What Will Work Best in My Classroom? Part 1



How can we find the best way to teach? We pay large sums of money to listen to experts at conferences, we chat to our colleagues about what works best for them, we observe other colleagues, we get feedback from people observing our lessons about what we do well, we might visit local successful schools, we steal ideas from other teachers on Twitter. Yet most of this is hearsay, conjecture and speculation. Or, ‘this works for me, so it must work for you.” No-one has ever really put their finger on what actually works best in the classroom. Until now. In this episode, John begins to explore the findings of recent academic research that tries to guide teachers towards the strategies that have been proven to have the highest chance of success in our classrooms. No longer do we need to rely on hearsay and guesswork; we have evidence of what really works. Part 1 focusses mainly on the work of John Hattie and Part 2 will focus on the recent findings of the Educational Research Foundation and other recent research