Cinematic Sound Radio

The Archive With Jason Drury: Episode Six



On episode six of THE ARCHIVE, the first show of 2018, host Jason Drury showcases six brand new expanded archival soundtracks released at the end of 2017. However, to open the program, you’ll hear selections from the first major release of 2018, Michael Kamen’s swashbuckling score to 1991’s ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES from Intrada Records. The great music continues as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of James Horner ‘s Academy Award-winning score to TITANIC, the 40th anniversary of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND with music by John Williams and the 50th anniversary of CASINO ROYALE scored by Burt Bacharach. Then Jason plays selections from DIE ANOTHER DAY by David Arnold and ends the program with selections from two classic Jerry Goldsmith scores, DAMNATION ALLEY and THE RUSSIA HOUSE. If you want to hear Tim Burden’s interview with Mike Matessino on his work on the 20th Anniversary CD set of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, you can listen to it by going to