
83: Quarter of Everything



This week we discuss the acquisition of Texture, WWDC, iMac Pro films, an iPhone hacking GrayKey and a tour of the Hasselblad factory. Show Notes Apple to acquire digital magazine service Texture - Apple (https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2018/03/apple-to-acquire-digital-magazine-service-texture/) Newsstand (software) - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newsstand_(software)) WWDC - Apple Developer (https://developer.apple.com/wwdc/) Relay FM Live at WWDC 2018 — Relay FM (http://www.extras.relay.fm/blog/2018/3/13/relay-fm-live-at-wwdc-2018) Panobook – Studio Neat (https://www.studioneat.com/products/panobook) Apple holding "field trip" education event on March 27 - Six Colors (https://sixcolors.com/post/2018/03/apple-hodling-field-trip-education-event-on-march-27/) Apple Watch Adoption - David Smith, Independent iOS Developer (http://david-smith.org/blog/2018/03/14/apple-watch-series-3-adoption/) iMac Pro - Films - Apple (https://www.apple.com/imac-pro/films/) iPhone X — Unlock — Apple - YouTube