

Wendy’s homeschool day with an 8, 7, 5, 4, 2 year old, and 8 month old: I am not a get-up-before-the-children kind of mama. My husband and I are both night people, and since I don’t believe in being out of bed before 7:00, it’s been a goal of mine to train all my children to sleep in as late as possible. It’s still a work in progress. 5:00 – The 4-year-old climbs in my bed. He needs a minimum couple hours of cuddle time each day. We snuggle up and both fall back to sleep. 6:30 – The baby wakes up. She’s not quite as easy. But I get her a bottle and eventually coax her back to sleep also. 7:30 – The 2-year-old wakes up loudly, waking up most of the house with her, which means I guess it’s time to give up the charade and head to the playroom. I make some coffee and bowls of Cheerios, and try to get in some reading. My current goal is to read some Scripture and at least ten minutes of another book each morning. The 4-year-old wants me to play Apples to Apples with him though, so I don’t quite make it to ten minu