Theedtalks | Helping Busy People Feel Energized Again

EP55: Is Your Thyroid Bringing You Down? with Tara Nelson



The Thyroid is so integral to our energy levels that any imbalance in its function can have a dramatic impact on our energy levels as it regulates amongst other things your body's temperature, metabolism and heartbeat. Naturopath Tara Nelson specializes in helping people achieve optimum thyroid health and in this episode of TheEdTalks she explains the things we can do to make that happen. In this episode you’ll discover: What the Thyroid is and how it affects our energy levels The different types of Thyroid issues and symptoms What tests people should be asking their healthcare practitioner to do Key lifestyle, diet and supplemental changes that can help with Thyroid issues When you should consider going gluten free Why healthy liver function is crucial for Thyroid health and how to achieve it Why getting on top of stress is essential for healthy Thyroid function What Goitrogens are and why you shouldn’t worry too much about them Why you should not stay on a FODMAP diet for too long Why using products that h