Doable Change

ep001: Phyllis Laursen "Healing and Change"



Today we'll be talking with someone whose bio reads like a modern fairy tale. She's worked with some of the biggest names in music and show business before they were big, and then helped them deal with the life altering impacts of that success. She's the person the Grammy Awards bring in when there's been a bomb threat, to ensure that the coast is clear. She's worked with governments in hostage negotiations to bring people to safety. And with world-renown scientists on communications between species. She works with corporations to be more effective and less destructive. She's helped thousands and thousands of people directly through physical healing work, and her psychological work with entire family systems. But you've probably never hear her name: our guest today is Phyllis Laursen. I was fortunate enough to meet Phyllis when I a mere 15 years old, and I'm happy to say that we've been friends ever since. Here's my conversation with Phyllis on making change doable, here on Doable Change.