Sunday Brunch

Podacast-SB-Aug 21 2016 10AM-12PM



Sunday Brunch with Jamie West and Tracy Lynn. Sundays from 10am-Noon. Exclusively on AM900 CHML.

Sunday mornings have never been the same since Jamie West and Tracy Lynn got together to share a strong cup of coffee, some hilarious anecdotes and let you their loyal listeners walk away with great information you can put to use in your own lives once the show is over.

Every week, Jamie and Tracy will challenge you to think about all the little things that life tosses our way. Some will be serious, some will be silly. That’s what makes this show a nutritious heaping helping of mind food. Every week you’ll hear about things like parenting, health from, real estate, travel, legal advice, great cars, great people and great tunes.

Mungo Gerry rounds out the trio and is kinda like zookeeper who keeps everything running smoothly and loves to share his opinions on the very popular “Retro Record Review” segment of the show.

There’s something for everyone…including you!!! Sunday Brunch…A feast for the spirit Sunday’s from 10am-12noon..