
Farm to table, with a side of fossil fuels



The way we grow and distribute food today is deeply dependent on fossil fuels, yet that dependence can feel invisible. Sustainable food systems researcher Prof. Jennifer Clapp joins the show to walk us through all the ways fossil fuels are used to produce one simple food item: a tortilla chip. Along the way, we’ll explore the hard work being done to eliminate climate pollution from the food we eat.For a deeper dive and additional resources related to this episode, visit: https://climate.mit.edu/podcasts/e1-farm-table-side-fossil-fuelsFor more episodes of TILclimate by the MIT Climate Project, visit tilclimate.mit.edu. CreditsLaur Hesse Fisher, Host and Senior EditorAaron Krol, Writer and Executive ProducerDavid Lishansky, Editor and ProducerGrace Sawin, Student Production AssistantMichelle Harris, Fact CheckerMusic by Blue Dot SessionsArtwork by Aaron Krol