Teaching Learning Leading K-12

Barbara J. Smith - Urgent Care for Educators: Situating Responsibility as a Way to Transform School Cultures - 744



Barbara J. Smith - Urgent Care for Educators: Situating Responsibility as a Way to Transform School Cultures. This is episode 744 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast. Barbara Smith is a passionate educator who challenges the boundaries of "sameness" in schools. Smith's background includes over forty years in public, charter, independent and international schools.  Barbara has started three schools and has been a teacher, principal, consultant, trustee, and teacher educator at OISE, McGill and the University of Saskatchewan teaching faculties and graduate schools.  She has published books about school values and economies, teacher retention, assessment tools for learning, her charter school principal story and most recently with Hope Blecher, a book about engaging students as writers. Her next book is called: Students in Responsible Roles: A Powerful Way to Learn and Transform School Culture.  Barbara supports schools committed to improving engaging and purpose-based teaching and learning for a