Scotland Outdoors

Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Snowdrops and a Beaver MOT



Auchnerran Farm is run by the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust as a demonstration farm to test and trial conservation and land management strategies. Mark visits the farm to hear about their projects and how they manage these alongside a profitable enterprise of sheep farming.It is the 20th anniversary of the opening of Five Sister’s Zoo this year, and the facility has grown from very small beginnings to now housing over 160 species on site in West Calder. Rachel chats to Brian and Gary Curran about their growth over the last two decades and their recent attempts to rescue zoo animals from Ukraine.2025 marks 20 years since the Scottish Outdoor Access Code came into force, and Mark is joined by journalist and broadcaster Lesley Riddoch to look at exactly how this has impacted Scotland’s relationship with the outdoors.Rachel is on the banks of Loch Lomond visiting a project attempting to combat erosion on one of Scotland’s most popular hills. Conic Hill has undergone a £900,000 path restoration, and access