Teaching Learning Leading K-12

Self-Regulation: Controlling Your Behaviors, part 2 - 741



Self-Regulation: Controlling Your Behaviors, Part 2. This is episode 741 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast. In the first episode on Self-Regulation, I shared some thoughts about what self-regulation means and how it appears in the classroom. (Episode 737). I use the term in referring to you the adult in the classroom keeping control of your behaviors. I also shared some thoughts about things that you can do to help keep you in control of you. Today, I am sharing a specific strategy. It sounds simple enough but at times we can get frustrated with behaviors that the kids have previously exhibited and so we always associate those behaviors with that particular kid. To overcome always affiliating the bad with those one or two students something that works really well is to post an image, drawing, or place an object in the room that you will see that is there to remind you of something that student does well, or to make you think about a calming/happy thought, or to think of some specific positiv