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1323 - Malling in Love | Dreaming of Newhart S7E22



Maybe Johnny Carson will make an appearance tonight as Scooter and Bob dig deeper into the layers of discovery and dabble in metaphysical matchmaking.Robert’s dream has parallels with Newhart S7E22 “Malling In Love Again.” And his week sure sounds like The Bob Newhart Show S5E22 “The Mentor.”Start a 7 day FREE trial of Sleep With Me Plus- The ultimate way to listen to show, based on how YOU listen! Get your Sleep With Me SleepPhones. Use "sleepwithme" for $5 off!!Are you looking for Story Only versions or two more nights of Sleep With Me a week? Then check out Bedtime Stories from Sleep With MeLearn more about producer Russell aka Rusty Biscuit at and @BabyTeethLA on IG.Show Artwork by Emily TatGoing through a hard time? You can find support at the Crisis Textline and see more global helplines here.HELIX SLEEP - Take the 2-minute sleep quiz and they'll match you to a customized mattress that'll give you the best sleep of your life. Visit for up to 20% off and 2 free pi