Stemxm: The Stem Career Podcast

STEMxm 05: Aqueous Geochemist, KT Moran



STEMxm Episode 5 -  Interview with KT Moran, Geochemist National Association of State Boards of Geology - ASBOG Association for Women Geoscientists - AWG Association for Women in Science - AWIS The Geological Society of America American Geophysical Union - AGU Geology Field Camp (general information) HAZWOPR training - This was mentioned as a potential way to set yourself apart from other geoscience candidates when you're starting out. I've linked to the OSHA site for more info, but before opting for an expensive online or in person HAZWOPR course, be sure to check your university or local community college to see if they offer a cheaper 40-hr HAZWOPR course. National Oceanic Atmospheric and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA - This is the government entity KT mentioned that she wish she'd applied to when younger. You can search for NOAA job openings at USAjobs. Research on Women in Science & Gender Bias Women in the Geosciences: Practical, Positive Practices Towards Parity by Maryanne Holmes Women and P