Stemxm: The Stem Career Podcast

STEMxm 11: Jen Schmidt with another take on Plastics Engineering careers



STEMxm Episode 11-  Plastics Engineering with Jen Schmidt Jen Schmidt went to Pen State Behrend, which is the Erie campus. She studied Plastics Engineering technology and graduated in the year 2000. At the time of recording, Jen worked for Beaumont Technologies as a Design Engineer. She is also an expert certified Autodesk mold flows instructor, and she’s been doing that for 10 about years. Stuff we discussed: Mold Flow by Autodesk Finite Element Method (Analysis) The Laundry commercial... Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) - You can contact them to find out more information about careers in Plastics and to ask for insights on the different plastics engineering degree programs around the country.   STEMxm is available on iTunes & Stitcher: