Stemxm: The Stem Career Podcast

STEMxm 13: Planetary Science & Lunar Geology with Sarah Noble, NASA



STEMxm Episode 13-  Planetary Science & Lunar Geology with Sarah Noble, NASA Sarah's profile at NASA | Sarah on Twitter | Sarah's Interplanetary Art A closer look at Planetary Geology with Sarah Noble Lunar and Planetary Institute - Lunar and Planetary Conference that Sarah mentioned on the podcast is connected to this Division for Planetary Scientists - American Astronomical Society Association for Women Geoscientists   NASA Missions that Sarah is (or has) working on: LADEE - Lunar Atmosphere Dust & Environmental Explorer Mars 2020   Other Stuff Sarah is Responsible for: PDART - Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools PSTAR - Planetary Science and Technology from Analog Research   STEMxm is available on iTunes & Stitcher: