Stemxm: The Stem Career Podcast

STEMxm 16: Big Dreams and DiscoverE -- Leading Ladies to STEM



STEMxm Episode 16-  Dream Big Film | DiscoverE | Bridges to Prosperity Who was on the episode: Avery Bang trained as a geo-technical engineer at the University of Colorado Boulder before joining Bridges to Prosperity where she now serves as Executive Director. Bridges to Prosperity is a non-profit organization that builds cable-stayed pedestrian bridges throughout the developing world. With design, program development and construction experience in nearly a dozen countries, she has more than doubled the size of the operation. When describing what she does, Avery asks people to imagine what it would have been like for them to get to their elementary school if the infrastructure they had—bridges, roads, etc—didn’t exist. She explains that she helps people in the developing world build projects that many people often take for granted. Menzer Pehlivan is a geotechnical engineer specializing in earthquake engineering. Named one of the “2016 New Faces of Engineering” by the American Society of Civil Engineers,