Stemxm: The Stem Career Podcast

STEMxm 25: Ocean Corals with Dr. Jessica Carilli



STEMxm Episode 25 -  Ocean Corals and Climate Change with Jessica Carilli, PhD This is the 2nd episode in a series touching on climate change careers and research. Check out the others here: Episode 23 - Atmospheric Physics with Dr. Joanna Haigh Episode 24 - Theoretical Ecology with Dr. Emily Moberg Where Jessica earned a PhD - Scripps Institution of Oceanography Stuff we discussed  -- How are scientists able to "go back in time" to study how the environment was on earth many years ago? Ocean floor core sampling Tree rings as a way to understand the environment in years past (Dendrochronology) - This audio clip is an excellent explanation of how scientists use tree rings in combination other data to perform dating: listen here Ice corps from Greenland and Antarctica Corals also have annual layers they grow through time. You can use these similarly We also spoke with Dr. Holmes in episode 14 about core sampling! How do scientists date this stuff? Radiometric clocks! How carbon dating works (must click t