Stemxm: The Stem Career Podcast

STEMxm 26: Paleo-Oceanography with Jennifer Walker



STEMxm Episode 26 -  Paleo-Oceanography with Jennifer Walker This is the 4th episode in a series touching on climate change careers and research. Check out the others here: Episode 23 - Atmospheric Physics with Dr. Joanna Haigh Episode 24 - Theoretical Ecology with Dr. Emily Moberg Episode 25 - Ocean Corals and Climate Change with Dr. Jessica Carilli Envirothon - Environmental resources research competition for highschoolers Related Headline: Sea level rise in 20th century was fastest in 3,000 years, Rutgers-led study finds Rutgers Department website where Jennifer is completing a PhD   Research concepts discussed with Jennifer on episode 26 Proxy - "In paleoclimatology, or the study of past climates, scientists use what is known as proxy data to reconstruct past climate conditions. These proxy data are preserved physical characteristics of the environment that can stand in for direct measurements. Paleoclimatologists gather proxy data from natural recorders of climate variability such as tree rings, ice cor