Smart Career Planning

The Career-Changing Magic of Presence Coaching - Pamela Prather



Welcome to Smart Career Planning episode #30.  I recently posted an article titled “Three books to read this quarter for professional growth.” One of the books I highlighted was “Presence” by Amy Cuddy.  One of Cuddy’s beliefs is - fake it until you become it.  In her book, Cuddy shared a lot of examples as to how to tweak simple things such as posture to project more confidence and even come across more present.  To me, charisma and presence are two things I know I cannot perfect on my own.  And that’s why I reached out to Pamela Prather.     Pamela is a professor, coach, workshop facilitator and public speaker. Not only does she work with directors and actors to design voices and dialects for productions, she also works with executives both individually and in groups to help them access their sparkle and use the presence and gravitas to further communication goals.    Here are links to the coaches Pamela mentioned in the podcast: 1.) Doug Honoroff from 2.) David Ley from vibrantvoicetechniqu