Monster X Radio

Monster X Radio with Bigfoot Field Researcher Shelly Covington-Montana



Join Monster X hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they sit down with Bigfoot Field researcher Shelly Covington-Montana. Shelley has been in the Pacific Northwest over the last month on the hunt for Bigfoot. Shelly describes herself as "just a simple girl from Texas". She loves the wilderness and is always seeking to learn about wildlife and the great mysteries that exist. Shelly has traveled extensively around the U.S. meeting interesting people and learning about different ecosystems. She is also one of the hosts of Cryptologic Radio along with Monster X's own Shane Corson.. Call in number is (347) 326-9859 Gunnar Monson is a long time Bigfoot researcher. A past investigator with the BFRO, he is the Lead Investigator of the Tillamook Forest Research Project as well as a member of The Olympic Project ( an...d Bigfootology. He is also the founder of The Sasquatch Coffee Company ( A native of Scotland, Shane has had an interest in Cryptids since his youth