Monster X Radio

The Bigfoot Phenomena With Larry Turner



Join Monster X Radio as we sit down with Researcher LarryTurner and discuss Sasquatch, and the research behind it.   Larry Turner is a lifelong outdoorsman whose first encounter happened over 30 years ago. Larry was escorted out of the woods by a sasquatch while elk hunting, and for for 30 years he didn't tell anyone about this experience.  Larry is a co-founder of the Tillamook forest Research Group, as well as a member of the Olympic Project. Using the sciences he is trained in, Larry continues to collect data without bias, and build a data base centered on the sasquatch phenomena.     Born in Scotland, Shane Corson's interest in cryptids began at an early age. His 2011 sighting while on a fishing trip in the Mt. Hood National Forest only served to fuel his passion for the pursuit. Shane is a core member of the TFRG as well as the Olympic Project. ( Join the discussion Check out our website Join Monster X Radio on Facebook (