Monster X Radio

Steve Kulls- The Squatchdetective!



Join Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Julie Rench as they sit down with guest and book author Steve Kulls - "The Squatchdetective". Steve has been very busy lately and will be bringing back his podcast "Squatchdetective Radio" with co-host Chris Bennett in March!   Steve Kulls is a Licensed Private Investigator, in New York, has had a lifelong fascination with the Bigfoot phenomena since an early age. Steve began his quest in search of Bigfoot in 1998 originally quite skeptical however he soon began to feel there was something to the mystery. On January 1st, 2006 he launched and created Squatchdetective Radio in September of that year. Steve firmly believes in a "boots on the ground", methodology of obtaining evidence for or against, evidence Steve has authored two books, "50 Large," and "What Would Sasquatch Do?" Steve has appeared on Fox News, the History Channel the National Geographic Channel and Destination America featured on several programs.  Be sure to visit his website (